Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Kidney gossip: part 2

Geoff recieved a call today from the transplant coordinator. The transplant team has requested that Geoff repeat the kidney test that was done back in July. Apparently, his kidney levels are elevated (1.8). The number really isn't that "elevated" for Geoff, but it is higher than it has been all year. It's a political game. Every 3 months Geoff has to be re-evaluated in order to remain on the tranplant list. The kidneys have to be strong enough to receive a liver, but liver can't be too sick or you can't remain on the list. Makes sense, right?

His test is scheduled for Friday. Last time he basically had to sleep with the nurse to get the "un-official" results that day (instead of waiting through the weekend). Geoff, I highly encourage that behavior again on Friday.

The transplant team has also asked him to begin attending liver clinic every two weeks. Good news or bad news? Depends on how you look at it....he's obviously not getting healthier so they want to monitor him more closely, but the upside is that if he does get sicker then he may move up the list, quicker.

1 comment:

Julian and Joni said...

Hope everything turns out to your benefit. I would love to contact you regarding your experiences with Baylor as my husband is listed there also. Please contact me at waytotravel@embarqmail.com if possible.
Thanks, Joni