Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Slow Week

Haven't asked for a status update this week. The number of people waiting for a liver in our region seems to climb higher every week. What is it with Texans and their livers (I have a few ideas....)? Geoff has a tube check on Friday. I think this is #6?


Lisa Christine said...

why would they be doing the transplant in Seattle rather than in Texas? Or maybe I misunderstood.

Blonde Momma said...

I think I understand the question :)

Why would Geoff and I go to Seattle rather than Texas? The waiting list in Washington's region is just much less which means the waiting time would be less. We seem to be just sitting on the list in Texas...not moving up at all.

Dawn said...

Wow, Erin, you were on quite a rollercoaster ride while I was on vacation. I am so relieved to hear that Geoff is back on the list. If you do decided to get Geoff listed here or in Seattle, you know you've got friends nearby. :)