Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day + Infection = Baylor ER

Yesterday the day started out with Geoff letting me sleep. We had a nice day planned out for the family. We made it to about 4:00PM and then Geoff just wasn't right. He has not felt right for a couple of days, but in true Geoff fashion he tried to shrug it off as much as possible (especially yesterday because it was Mother's Day). Very, very sweet.

Anyhow, by 9:00PM we were on our way to the ER. We got checked-in pretty quickly and then waited for the doc to arrive. I have to say though Baylor is pretty good about getting the patients checked-in and the tests running ASAP. They did the usual protocal: blood work, chest x-ray, and IV.

The blood work did show some "funkiness" (elevated levels throughout) so they decided to admit him. Pretty much end of story for Baylor ER on a Sunday night. I said goodnight around midnight and came home. At 4:00AM he texted me and said that they had moved him to a room.

Not sure what tests they will start running on him...the transplant team will make their rounds a little later this morning. Hopefully this will be a simple infection and he will be back home and back to work in no time.

I'll keep you all posted.

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