Monday, June 9, 2008

Meeska, Mooska, Mickey Mouse

I have nothing to say about that other than I'm really starting to hate Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. What a beating to watch that every morning. Well, I take that back...the Minnie's Picnic episode is alright.

Anyhow, it's early Monday morning and I'm pretty sure it's going to be a long week. Geoff has had some problems with his tube this weekend, and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. He drove himself to the ER this weekend (yes, you read that correctly-he drove himself) because it was pretty clear he had in infection on the outside if his tube. It was really red and pussy. Geoff and I are getting pretty good at the whole self-diagnosis thing so off to the ER he went. I stayed with the kids hoping that our diagnosis was correct and they would just give him some antibiotics and send him on his way. And yes, we were correct-4 hours later he returned with antibiotics in hand.

It never ends last night at 8:00 he asks me "Do you see blood in my tube"? Surprisingly, I was very calm when I looked up and saw that there was blood in his tube. He called the on-call transplant coordinator and told her the symptoms. She was pretty sure that he pulled a stitch in the inside which is another reason for the pain and why there was blood. I'm pretty sure I see a tube check in our near future. He is scheduled for Friday, but there is no way he can wait that long. As of this morning there is no more blood, just pain.

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