Monday, October 27, 2008

Washington or Bust?

Geoff received an e-mail from his transplant coordinator this morning:

The surgeons discussed this (meaning Geoff's request from Friday) in their meeting this morning. Dr. Chinnakotla will be making the call to Washington. Hopefully he will get this done today.

So, I guess we have their blessing. Not sure what the next steps will be, but I assume flying to Washington will be one of them. Let's see how quickly the appts. get set-up.


Lisa Christine said...

On behalf of Washington...we welcome you :)

Erin Jeannine said...

Yay! So now we just wait? I hate waiting. I'm not very patient...

Jaime said...

That sounds like a step in the right direction. I promise Seattle isn't that bad, probably a little colder than Texas though. And I promise you that you won't be disappointed if you eat at Spud's.

Let me know if there is anything I can do.