Monday, February 23, 2009

Is this a God thing?

This is the question I have asked myself 186 times since Thursday.

I have hesitated to blog about this because I really want to hear final confirmation from the doctors this coming Friday.

BUT, I really can't hold back any longer....

When Geoff went for his tube check last Thursday we received some very shocking news, to say the least. The doctor said "it was quite remarkable because Geoff showed no strictures in his bile ducts". When the doctor said that to me, I almost responded with "are you f-ing kidding me"? Instead, I responded with "how"? The doctor had no explanation as to why Geoff's bile ducts looked normal. Keep in mind, the strictures are what cause the need for a transplant!

The doctor even went back to his tube check on Jan 18th (less than 30 days ago) and confirmed that on Jan. 18th he had multiple, multiple strictures and bile pooling within the bile ducts. So bad in fact that he didn't think the tube removal was even going to be possible.

We are UTTERLY confused. So, where do we go from here?

Geoff has liver clinic on Friday with the transplant team. We want to hear what they have to say. Is this a fluke? Did they read the wrong chart? A sick joke? Is this a God thing?

Not sure if this is ironic or not but the same day we received a $5000 medical bill. Whatever it takes.


Brenda B said...

Wow!!! Something similar happened to Scott, but only after 25 treatments of radiation. Has Geoff been hanging out too close to the microwave? If that's what it takes.

Here's hoping for the best.

Dawn said...

Oh my goodness. This gives me chills. I hope this turns out to mean that he is healed and that the strictures are gone! I've heard other stories like this -- not with liver stuff but with tumors disappearing, etc. So, I think it very well may be a God thing. I too would worry that they mixed up charts or something. But they can easily check that out by taking another look, right?

rackersfamily said...

Praise the LORD! For it is good to sing praises to our God.
Psalms 147:1
Got your email... call you tomorrow.

Lisa Christine said...

Never under-estimate the 'god factor' :)

Jaime said...

I work with a woman whose Mother "had" breast cancer. After deciding to do no treatment and doing herbal therapy the tumor is gone. No sign of cancer anywhere. God does work miracles. I pray He is working one in Geoff right now!

Blonde Momma said...

I think you're right, Brenda. It's that dang microwave!

Lori said...

That's amazing! I'd be wanting them to double check it all too. I can't imagine what the odds are of those strictures going away. Of course, if there's one thing I've learned in the last couple of months, nothing is impossible and no one is really a textbook case.

Haley said...

Wow! Fingers crossed. Extra prayers said.

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness Erin! I am so excited reading this...extra prayers and good thoughts for Geoff! :)

Cyndi said...

Well there have been lots of prayers headed upstairs for Geoff!!

Many extra prayers that you get WONDERFUL news on Friday.