Thursday, August 21, 2008

Drama for your mama

This is NOTHING liver related, so I'm giving you an out right now. Some will appreciate this post and others will shake their heads in shame.

I've talked about the mom's group in my neighborhood a few times now with great excitement. Well, yesterday there was a lot of drama for the mamas in the group. And of course, I was at the center of it (who's suprised)? I know it's hard for some of you to believe that I have a big mouth (shocker) and even harder to believe that I don't shut it once it starts moving.

No need to go into the details of "incident" because that would be way too catty and the explanation would be way too biased, but I know that I was right and anyone else that doesn't agree with me, is totally wrong.

Have you ever met a group of 67 stay-at-home-moms that are stressed out at least once a week, drink a minumum of 4 nights a week, and have an average of 2.7 kids that got along ALL THE TIME? If your answer is yes, then let me know because I'm moving there. Nah, forget it. I would miss the mama drama way too much.

1 comment:

Juli Evans said...

Oooooh...I'm dying to know what happened...:) How is it that I always miss this stuff??