Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Public Apology

Dear Public,

I am sorry for my poor, poor attitude yesterday. I know that everyone is just trying to be helpful and supportive to our family during this time.

Some days my moods just aren't "up to par" , but I promise to work on it. Next time I will direct my anger towards the children.




Christine said...

It must be in the air because my attitude is far worst than yours. Let me know if you want to meet for a drink and drown our shitty attitudes together!

Jaime said...

In my own way I get how you are feeling. I think it is going around because I could strangle anyone at any moment right now. I wish we lived close by so we could drown our sorrows together.

Andy Rittler said...

how about you get that anger out on a bottle (or two) of wine with me this week??? as soon as you feel better!

BettencourtFamily said...

you are entitled for sure. I am in with christine and amie, lets get our drink on!

Haley said...

no need to apologize. you're just being honest. honest is good.