Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Coop

The Cooper Center that is...

Before we moved to Dallas, I had never heard of the Cooper Center. Apparently, Dr. Cooper is well-known and he's so great he opened a place called the Cooper Center.

The Cooper Center is not just a gym. It's kind of like taking a little bit of a hospital, a little bit of the 4 Seasons hotel, a little bit of a country club and then adding a spa, tennis courts, an olympic size pool, an indoor running track, a cafe AND that's what the Cooper Center is. Impressive, right?

The whole idea behind this was to join the Coop after the transplant to help with the rehabilitation and physical therapy aspect of Geoff's recovery (they have all of those services in-house and I'm really hoping to try and figure out a way for good ol' Blue Cross to chip in).

But now we think it would be beneficial to have Geoff join before the surgery to try and get in the best possible shape (and because I'm the wife, I get to join too).

Now don't go getting crazy thoughts in your head...picturing things like Geoff in a cut-off shirt, Geoff lifting weights, or Geoff taking Pilates....none of that.

On Tuesday morning he is having a fitness test to "assess" where he is at. I met his trainer the other day at my assessment. Note to self: hot trainer should not perform fitness test on husband. Then I thought to myself "he does have a biliary tube, so maybe she won't be that interested". Anyhow, she is hot. Hopefully that will keep him motivated. I find it odd that the medical director of the Coop recommended her to work with Geoff before the transplant. Hmmmm......


Unknown said...

Just curious...did they ask you if anyone referred you? I want to make sure the Cooper Cash was put to good use :-)

I am glad you all joined and look forward to many sweaty work outs...

Melissa said...

So jealous! We could use a Cooper Center over here in FL. B convinced me that he needed a Wii for his rehab. He had the 'liver card' so now we'll be Wii-ing to recovery!

Blonde Momma said...

oh Melissa, we HAD to have the Wii know for all the times Geoff will be "stuck" at home. I got the same pitch.

Melissa said...

Sounds like our men have more in common than we knew! Too funny!

Oh, and not sure if you're as crazy as me but I'll throw it out there. I got the game "We Cheer", and I LOVE it. I get my workout in and get to dance the calories away in my living room. Lots of fun, but I did manage to make an ass out of myself when the lawn guy caught me "cheering" when he was doing our lawn! Entertainment for all!