Friday, January 9, 2009

You look so good

Those are the words that Geoff heard today at liver clinic.

It seems to be a common theme the last few months. I'm not complaining, but at times it's hard to hear. The doctors did a little once over-said his bloodwork looked good, and sent him on his way. He didn't get a status update but I imagine he is somewhat in the same range as Monday. It's all good. Moving. on. with. our. lives. Remember?

Somewhat on the same girlfriend today (LB) said to my other girlfriend (KS) that Geoff is really good about "not pulling the liver card". EVER. I totally have to give credit where credit is due-Geoff has never really played that card and I am thankful for that. BECAUSE we all know that I would play that card so many times they would probably have to take me off the transplant list just so I would stop sucking the life out of everyone around me. Examples?
  • Oh, I see that you don't have a leg. You want that handicap spot? Oh I'm sorry, but I need a liver transplant.
  • Excuse me, ms. saleswoman? I see that it's 20% off today-how about 30% for me because I need a liver transplant?
  • Um yes, I understand that I'm not 65 years old, but I still would like to go ahead and collect social security. And yes, I do know that I'm 28 (soon-to-be-29), but I'm in need a of a new liver.
  • You want my mortgage payment? Oh, I see. Apparently you didn't get the note from my doctors excusing that kind of thing. I need a liver transplant.

Thank-you Geoff for not being that person. We all recognize it and appreciate it, but don't think for a second that I am granting that request of a TV in our bedroom. You know-the one that you said you really needed (was it 57'?). Don't be that guy. Don't play that card.


BettencourtFamily said...

you are cracking me up! I pulled that pregnancy card all the time and now I pull the kid you know what I could do with a liver card?? I kidd, I kidd

Tracy said...

I am laughing. Geaoff does have the best attitude!

He gets the best sport award every day.

Lisa Christine said...

Oh, this post is hilarious!

But on a serious note..way to go Geoff for not 'pulling the card'.

(I would too, Erin :))

Unknown said...

Lori and I so pulled this card at the tattoo shop in CA - remember?!

Guy didn't want to hand over the kharma bracelet to you until we played the liver card.

Still have that bracelet? Maybe it's time to tie it onto Geoff's wrist.

Jaime said...

I hate the "you look so good" statement. When people say that to Rick I just want to strangle them. I am sure they mean well.

And I would so totally pull the card if it was me too. Rick never does either.

Nancy said...

LOL, I do have to admit to using the card on occasion!

On the note of *oh, you look so good!* I can get that comment and *Wow, do you know you look yellow?* all in the same day.... It depends on who sees me and when the last time they saw me was....

Even with my *cirrhosis* friends or medical staff. My Bili is still 3.1 after transplant but seeing that they put a stint in my bile duct last week that should go down and they said the yellow goes away under 3.....We shall see.

Linda Crowder said...

We have a lot in common and i live in Ferris too right now for about another week. Check out my blog at I enjoy your sense of humor. I need liver, lung and heart! I'm here for you! Linda Crowder

Linda Crowder said...

do you know that if he is on oxygen full time, the social secuity is immediate! I didn't know if you need the name of a great attorney. I got mine on self abuse (from a skin rash?) and fibromyalgia one of the first 10 to get it in 1999!) If you need me, I have his name. Good luck. Prayers are with you.